Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series vol. 3: Tabidachi no Uta is a visual novel spin-off game of the original Tokimeki Memorial. Tabidachi no Uta features both Shiori Fujisaki and Miharu...
I Wani Hug that Gator! Is a choice-driven narrative about teenagers struggling to find their way. Help Inco, loser highschooler extraordinaire, navigate his budding friendships (an...
Fear the Spotlight is an atmospheric third-person horror adventure with a disturbing mystery to unravel. Sneak into school after hours with Vivian and Amy, survive a séance gone wr...
Explore themes of bullying, revenge, blackmail, and abuse, interwoven with lies, truth, beauty, and ugliness. The story follows an ugly boy who reaches his breaking point due to co...
I’m Shun, and I have a talent for crushing romance flags—in real life! Featuring even more eye-popping art, nuanced animations, plus a fresh-faced cast of DT-obsessed heroines, thi...
After moving into a new town hoping for a new life, Kazuma finds himself the swing vote between two deadlocked factions representing tradition and innovation. Nicknamed “Triple Sev...
Tadaomi is a second-year student at Gouketsukan private school. Since he’ll be busy preparing for university entrance exams next year, he thought that this summer vacation would be...
School 666 is a 1-4 Player Co-op Survival Horror. You must escape this endless nightmare. Try to identify the correct path and survive the anomalies in this endless school. Some ex...