Club Suicide (2020)
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Club Suicide (2020)

Дата выхода: 30 октября 2020
Жанры Новелла, Драма
Платформы PC, Mac, Android, iOS

Club Suicide is an anti-romanticism otome game developed by Morpath for PC. There are 20 endings in this game, and players' choices throughout the game will alter the ending of the game.


"Just 7 days before their graduation ceremony, as the spring breeze began to blow, these boys wished to end their own lives."

As if to escape from the strife of interpersonal relationships, you became a truant before you knew it. When you came back to school for the first time in a while, an odd club recruitment poster caught your eye.

The name of the club was "Club Suicide".

You didn't have especially strong reasons but somehow you had thoughts of wanting to die. Half out of casual interest and half with serious intent, you ended up taking a look at the club.

"From now within 7 days, we'll completely sever our attachments to this world and end our own lives." You were overcome by the five club members' seriousness and became afraid of committing suicide, quickly coming to think "I want to live" instead.

At the same time, it wasn't like you had the courage nor felt you were in a position to tell them, "actually, I don't w... развернуть


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Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 21.08.2021
Mac 30.10.2020





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