Onimusha: Warlords is an epic saga of 16th century Japan inspired by the battle scenes of famed Japanese director Akira Kurosawa. It takes place in a world of darkness and magic wh...
Onimusha 2 is the second installment in the Onimusha series of video games released in May of 2002. The game retains the action elements from its predecessor such as the use of mul...
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams is the sixth installment of Capcom's Onimusha overall series, while being the fourth game in the canonical main series. While game retains the action eleme...
A bizarre adventure game that follows the adventures of a main hero named Gregory whose purpose it is to collect lost souls in a haunted mansion. This hotel of the undead is filled...
This game is the sixth numbered entry, and the second one for the PlayStation 2, of the role-playing game construction kit. Assemble your own custom 3D RPG using a tile-based map e...
A mimic tasked with defeating the Hero by the Dark Lord just because, Mimicry Man will have to use his one technique: show people what they want and ambush! A cleverly written puzz...
Monster Hunter is an online action-hunting game by CAPCOM for the PlayStation 2 released on March 11th, 2004 in Japan, and September 21st, 2004 in North America. The game is a fant...
Genma Onimusha contained many changes from the original release. Besides the requisite minor graphical upgrade, there were various changes to increase the difficulty. Monsters are...
RPG Maker VX is a tool for Windows which allows you to design and play your own RPG. It requires no programming knowledge and allows the designer to create their own tilesets, char...