The player controls a boy named Tarosuke, who travels through Jigoku (the Japanese concept of Hell) fighting off yokai (mythical Japanese monsters) on his way to his final fate, as...
Adds the player character Kokoro Hata to Touhou Genso Wanderer Reloaded.
Adds the player character Utsuho Reiuji to Touhou Genso Wanderer Reloaded.
Adds the player character Momiji Inubashiri to Touhou Genso Wanderer.
A doujin game by Aqua Style based on the Touhou Project series.
A doujin game by Aqua Style based on the Touhou Project series.
Yukari Yakumo joins the battle as an additional player character!
This is an RPG in which you have to raise Yukari, defeat Yukari, and make your own Yukari the strongest.