Jimmy Connors Tennis is a tennis simulation video game developed by NMS Software for the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Game Boy, and published by Ubi Soft in 1993. The gam...
The world's best strategy games have two things in common: they start with a deceptively simple board and the goal of taking territory from your opponents. Now HEXCITE brings a who...
Star Wars: Episode 1 - Racer lets you participate in the famous pod race sequence that was the critical highlight of the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I, The Phantom Menace. These l...
Your goal in life is to become a Pokemon Card Master. In order to do that, you must pick a deck from three starter packs of cards based on Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur and t...
We don't have much information on DT 64 (also known as “Bloodmaster”): the game was supposed to be an Card RPG with an interesting connection-mode between the 64DD and the Game Boy...