Set in the near-future, Overstrike follows a team of four elite agents obliterating enemy strongholds using fringe-tech gadgets and lethal teamwork. The members of Overstrike 9 are...
One rather typical Halloween eve, Benjamin is witnessing his uncle's attempt to activate the Worm Hole Spawner, his latest invention. The experiment works, and a hole in the sky ri...
Based loosely on the events of the motion picture, The Spiderwick Chronicles puts you in control as Jared, Simon and Mallory.
In Via Domus, players control Elliott Maslow, another survivor of the Oceanic flight 815 plane crash. The game takes place during the first 70 days after the crash and includes all...
Black Mirror is a dark adventure game that details the aftermath of the tragic death of William Gordon. Playing as his grandson Samuel players must unveil the truth behind the even...