Air is the all-ages version of the Japanese visual novel developed by Key that follows the story of the life of Yukito Kunisaki, a traveling showman searching for the girl in the s...
You and your penniless father have just moved into a rural town famous for an ancient legend. It's been said that a couple who kisses underneath the old tree will be destined to li...
Ryousuke moved back to his hometown of Shionagi, which he had been away from for seven years, and transferred into his new school in the middle of the summer. He reunited with his...
Этот романтический визуальный роман исследует вопрос гендерной интеграции в частной школе. Любопытная череда событий приводит к тому, что наш герой становится единственным мальчико...
Хотя Если бы у моего сердца были крылья - Дневник полета - технически является фан-диском Если бы у моего сердца были крылья, он включает в себя шесть историй, включая пролог и эпи...
In this game there are two heroes, Kojiroh and Marina, who are each called to solve their own cases, while running into each other. This game allows you to switch characters to sol...
This is the fandisc for Amakano, with two episodes for each of the three heroines: a summer episode and a future episode culminating in marriage. It also includes other mini bonuse...
A fandisc for Rewrite consisting of six heroine scenarios and an RPG minigame entitled Rewrite Quest.
Kakyuusei is a 1996 PC-98 adventure dating sim where the protagonist must date (obviously) a girl or two or a dozen. It was ported to many platforms and has never been localized in...
Toro and the Shooting Star is an adventure game, where the player travels with Toro through a small town to uncover a mystery, meeting new characters and Pokepi along the way.
How a Healthy Hentai Administers Public Service is an erotic comedy developed by CLOCKUP, where we follow the daily life of Jin Sintani, the precinct's newest sex officer charged w...
Jan Jaka Jan is a mahjong game in its core, the majority of the gameplay dedicated to mahjong matches (two- as well as four-people) against a variety of opponents. The player can n...
“Machina” is the world's first android to pass the Turing Test. Incidentally, she is also dressed like a maid. Dr. Hiro Koshino ends up taking Machina home and has her work as a ma...
Toro on Holiday is a Video Game developed by Bomber Express and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. It was released on November 29, 2001 on the PlayStation 2. It is an e...
A remake for Doko Demo Issyo released in December 7, 2004 for it's 5th Anniversary. It included more customization options, such as new costumes for the Pokepi and decorative items...