Part of the Surge Concerto franchise, Ar Nosurge is an RPG that serves as a prequel to the Ar Tonelico game series. Series director Akira Tsuchiya continues his opus with a deep an...
The third game in the Ar Tonelico series, and the first on PlayStation 3.
This unique RPG features game consoles personified as goddesses, CPUs (Console Patron Units), who you can customize visually with equipment to enhance their stats. Players take the...
Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia is a role-playing video game developed by Gust Corporation for the PlayStation 2 and originally published by Banpresto in 2006. Journey throughout th...
Action RPG where the heroines can change their battle style based on the underwear they’re wearing, such as to specialize in close-range fighting or to excel in magic.
A pirate RPG in Compile Heart's usual style.
Fighting game released for Sega NAOMI GD-ROM arcade hardware in 2006. Reskin of the 2004 canceled fighting game Force Five.
Reiichi heads off for a part-time job interview, hoping to get money for a new bike, and his self-styled servant Kuro-senpai tags along. The interview is in a western-style mansion...
A retro-styled psychological-thriller visual novel with dark yuri themes, about an Osakan college student who stalks her love interest and bumps off any rivals who get in the way.