This game is an interactive adaptation of Neon Genesis Evangelion for N64. Called Shinseki Evangelion in Japan, the Gainax-produced anime series originally aired from October '95 t...
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel, also known as Neon Genesis Evangelion: Iron Maiden, is a video game based on the Gainax anime/manga series Neon Genesis Evangelion, re...
In Ayanami Raising Project, the player takes on the role of a NERV officer who has just been assigned to Tokyo-3. Upon meeting with Commander Gendo Ikari, he is charged with taking...
The end of the first game Super Robot Taisen F with more 30 missions to play with the same roster of giant robots in SD format.
Evangelion New Theatrical Edition: 3nd Impact (with 3nd being pronounced as sound, it is pun on Third Impact) is a rhythm-action video game for the PlayStation Portable console. It...
Super Robot Wars L - это третья и последняя традиционная игра Super Robot Wars для DS.
Based on the first two Neon Genesis Evangelion Rebuild movies. Evangelion: Jo was only released in Japan for the PSP
Super Robot Wars F is Part 1 of a two-game saga that retells the climax of SRW's Classic Timeline.
Detective Evangelion (Meitantei Evangelion), an adventure/strategy PS2 game published by Broccoli, follows Shinji Ikari, a detective hired by Nerv, as he attempts to uncover the tr...
Super Robot Taisen Alpha is the second game in the series to be built from the ground up for the Playstation, and is the start of the Alpha series. Alpha is the first SRW to featur...
CR Shinseiki Evangelion: Shito, Futatabi is the twelfth release in the Hisshou Pachinko * Pachi-Slot Kouryaku series.
An erotic visual novel from PinballMap.
The Evatchi, also known as the Multipurpose Egg Shaped Decisive Weapon Evatchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model based on the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. Special Govern...
Puzzle & Dragons is a puzzle video game with elements of RPGs and strategy games, developed by GungHo Online Entertainment for the iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire platforms. In Japan...