One of Kōei's first video games, Night Life (1982) was the first Japanese commercial erotic game to hit the market, featuring a series of sexually explicit images, and marketed as...
Cyberqueen is a text based game that explores the Violence perpetrated on the player by a brutal cyberpunk AI character. The violence is conveyed in an erotic manner, having the pl...
Жизнь в шелке - это высокоинтерактивный визуальный роман, рассказывающий историю женственного неженки, которому совсем недавно исполнилось 18 лет, и он мечтает только о том, чтобы...
Искусственная девушка 3 - это эрога (хентай-игра) и продолжение Искусственной девушки 2. Игровой процесс включает в себя то, что вы парень и живете жизнью с одной или многими деву...
Artificial Girl 2 is an eroge (hentai game) and is the sequel to Artificial Girl. The gameplay involves being a guy and living a life with one or many girls (whose various charact...
Неглиже разработано и издано студией Dharker. Он был выпущен 20 октября 2016 года. История любви и нижнего белья, в которой вы играете роль менеджера магазина нижнего белья Неглиже...
This story is about a young boy named Tohno Shiki who, after experiencing a traumatic accident, wakes up in the hospital with the ability to see lines and cracks in every surface a...
Trade your soul for immeasurable power! Become the man who made a terrible bargain with a succubus to get girls - have them walk right into your house, entertain them, keep them fe...
You're a human, but you don't want to be. You want to be a vampire. Mooch through the darker corners of a vampire nightclub in this text-based adventure game, and do your best to g...
Spiral Clicker is a clicker style game in which a mysterious elf with absolutely no ulterior motives whatsoever has given you access to a magical spiral that can drain your willpow...
Learn the mysteries of Cockwork Industries and romance its steaming-hot employees in this erotic adventure game - a thrilling tale of sex, science, deception and panda plushies!
Man of the House is an adult game, in which you play a young man living in a city full of beautiful women. Experience around 30-40 hours of content, in this sandbox VN, filled with...
Open the image by solving the puzzle under relaxing music.