Kanon is a Japanese visual novel developed by Key that follows the life of Yuichi Aizawa, a high school student who returns to a city he last visited seven years prior, and he has...
6inch My Darling is a visual novel romance adventure originally released by KID for Sega Saturn with free for all rating, thus not including adult content. Half a year later, the g...
Fandisc for Diabolik Lovers: Haunted Dark Bridal. The game was re-released as Diabolik Lovers MORE,BLOOD Limited V Edition on January 15, 2015, for the Playstation Vita.
Летние карманы расположены на изолированном, сельском и мирном острове во внутреннем море Сето под названием Торисиродзима, население которого составляет около 2000 человек. Главны...
This game is based on the Chaos Lineage Drama CD series. When the church bell rings, new “gears (fate)” set into motion—. A world where there are only 13 vampires and you, the “Le...
Когда-то давно, после смерти своей матери, мальчик по имени Нора чувствовал себя совершенно одиноким в этом мире. Он проводил каждый день со своими уникальными и добросердечными др...
A young man named Kantarou wakes up in a hospital bed with amnesia. He has no memory of what happened to him and is confronted by a mysterious girl who makes a claim about their re...
A Visual Novel directed to female demographic. Main theme of this game is maid.
Following her graduation from middle school, Konomi Yuzuhara enters the same high school as Takāki Kono, her childhood friend. As the new school year begins, they meet their childh...
Вы здесь, чтобы убить принцессу. Не верьте ее лжи. Slay the Princess - это психологический хоррор-визуальный роман/симулятор свиданий с драматическим разветвлением, легкими элем...
Dayshift at Freddy's II or DSAF 2, is the direct sequel to the infamous DSaF 1! Once again, you must survive a week as a suited worker at Freddy Fazbender's Pepperoneri in the year...
To Heart 2 Portable is a port of the 2004 visual novel for the PlayStation Portable.
The remastered version of Kanon, which features the CGs in high definition and color corrected and includes full voice-acting utilizing both recordings made in the Dreamcast/PS2 an...
Slay the Princess is a choice-driven psychological horror visual novel with dramatic branching, light RPG elements, and hand-penciled art. The Pristine Cut is the definitive versi...