Tournament of Legends has ten playable characters based on Graeco-Roman mythology. The gameplay is described as a hybrid between traditional fighting games and the alternative puzz...
HEROES OF RUIN использует StreetPass для создания изобретательной внутриигровой торговой сети, где игроки могут покупать и продавать редкие и мощные предметы, добытые в бою. Благод...
An MMORPG set in the 1720s Carribean. Play as one of four factions (English, French, Spanish, or Pirate) through missions and battles to control the port cities of the Carribean. S...
Kosmaga is a game of skill where the Twelve Gods of the Krosmoz universe settle their differences by pitting creatures, mortals, and demi-gods against each other in a battle of tru...