Black Tiger, known in Japan as Black Dragon, is a 1987 action game released for the arcades by Capcom. A barbarian hero jumps and fights his way through a variety of colourful, en...
Легендарная история о предательстве и саморазрушении. Злоупотребление происходит от жадности человека. силы волшебного существа были преданы. Осознает ли человек свои ошибки до тог...
Silverfall, a once glorious city, lies in the fantastical Kingdom of Nelwë, where the forces of Technology and Nature are strongly opposed. Symptoms of this terrible conflict have...
An RPG-like legacy-based incremental game.
This game is the sixth numbered entry, and the second one for the PlayStation 2, of the role-playing game construction kit. Assemble your own custom 3D RPG using a tile-based map e...
Wizards of Waverly Place allows fans to play as their favourite wizard-in-training, Alex Russo, who is played by rising star Selena Gomez on the show, casting magical spells and pa...
Inindo: Way of the Ninja is a console-style RPG with a touch of strategy. You navigate your hero on the world map, visit towns, and descend into dungeons. The battles are turn-base...
RPG Maker VX is a tool for Windows which allows you to design and play your own RPG. It requires no programming knowledge and allows the designer to create their own tilesets, char...