This enhanced remake of Police Quest has been completely re-drawn using 256-color VGA graphics. Instead of the text-based interface of the original version, the remake features ico...
The second game released in the Police Quest franchise. It follows the adventures of Sonny Bonds after his recent promotion to the Homicide squad in the fictional town of Lytton, C...
The third game in Sierra's Police Quest series. Based again in Lytton, Sonny Bonds has been promoted, and is forced to deal with both the questionable ethics of a colleague and the...
Джон Ву представляет звезду боевых искусств Stranglehold stars Чоу Юн Фата в роли инспектора Текилы, детектива полиции Гонконга, который путешествует по миру в поисках своей похище...
This enhanced remake of Police Quest has been completely re-drawn using 256-color VGA graphics. Instead of the text-based interface of the original version, the remake features ico...
Fright Cops is an indie arcade game about cops and food, described by its author as a portrayal of the police as what they are: a horde of murderous undead.