Oumagatoki: Kaidan Romance was released in 2012. It is the first game in the Kaidan Romance series. The Kaidan Romance games are split into three sets of games set in the same wor...
Shinigami Kagyou: Kaidan Romance was released in 2013. It is the fourth game in the Kaidan Romance series. The Kaidan Romance games are split into three sets of games set in the s...
Continuation of Shinigami Kagyou: Kaidan Romance.
A fandisc for Lucian Bee's Resurrection Supernova focusing on HONEYBUZZARD Ⅵ.
Scared Rider Xechs is a Japanese otome game published by Red Entertainment.
A otome game by Otomate.
Eikoku Tantei Mysteria is a 2013 otome visual novel video game for the PlayStation Portable created by Karin Entertainment and published by Marvelous in Japan.
A PSP otome adventure game.
A port of PSP. Dark cherry disc focus on the three main guys for entry no.7-9: Rudo Jesus (Entry no.7), Moroboshi Tetsu (Entry no.8), and Hamada Shinnosuke (Entry no.9)
Gakuen K is an otome visual novel based on K Project by GoHands and GoRa featuring an original character exlusive to the game, Konohana Saya, as the protagonist.
A romantic comedy where you become Heart Ranger Pink and aim for the worlds.
A otome game by Otomate.