Meiji Tokyo Renka is a Japanese visual novel produced by Mages, with character design and art provided by Karu. The series follows Mei Ayazuki, a high school girl who is sent back...
A Vita otome game by Otomate.
When her father fell sick, Asagi Haru has to help support her family. She quits her job at the factory and starts looking for a new job. That’s when she bumped into Egawa Chitomi a...
Lost Angel is the first feature-length interactive FMV(full motion video) made in Korea. We invite you to the dangerous journey of influencer Alex, who is on a trip to Korea!! Your...
The Adjudicator is an interactive FMV (full motion video) game. Two detectives investigate mysterious murders. The final judgment is coming soon, help to detect the mystery and fin...
Toki no Kizuna: Sekigahara Kitan is an otome game developed by Design Factory and Otomate. It was released on July 19, 2012 for Playstation Portable, and it is said to be the prequ...
Join our protagonist on her riveting journey of money wasting, emotional turmoil and awkward romance!
Сейчас конец лета в отдаленных лесах северной части штата Нью-Йорк, и вожатые-подростки из Хэкеттсского карьера остаются в лагере одни на одну последнюю ночь. Это означает, что ник...
A new love simulation game MADE IN JAPAN! This slapstick love comedy is brimming with characters wreaking havoc in the glorious country of NIPPON! Get all lovey-dovey with one of t...
Rin Enma adopted daughter of King Enma–he who judges over the newly departed and ruler of the underworld–, is tasked to recapture “jailbreakers”, those who were punished to be in h...
Yo-Jin-Bo: Unmei no Freude is a port of Yo-Jin-Bo for Playstation 2. It adds an alternate Good ending for Tainojo (Bo) and added 2 routes for Harumoto and Kasumimaru.
Reijou Tantei - Office Love Jiken: When a female co-worker commits suicide, it's up to you to find out what really happened.Talk to fellow co-workers to put the pieces of the puzzl...
In a scenic valley, there's a celebrity boarding school called Hakuou Gakuen. At a glance the school is full of smart and beautiful guys. Behind it, a secret club nobody knows of...
A live-action, interactive action movie following Mia, a plucky barmaid whose life is thrown into chaos when a mysterious woman turns up at her workplace, on the run from a group o...
An otome game for PS2.
Hakushaku to Yousei: Yume to Kizuna ni Omoi Hasete is an otome game released in Japan in 2009.
School Wars was released in 2012 for the PSP. In 2015, it was released on the PSVita in a double pack with its fandisc called School Wars: Zenkan Pack Honpen & Sotsugyou Sensen.
Okashi na Shima no Peter Pan: Sweet Never Land was released in 2014 for the PSP.
Wand of Fortune II: Jikuu ni Shizumu Mokushiroku is the sequel game to Wand of Fortune and this game is set in the past 350 years.