In this visual novel, our protagonist, Akihiro Sonogi, is a promising young member of the House of Representatives aiming to be top of the faction. After a suspected terrorist bomb...
Odyssian Blaze is a visual novel of adventure and romance at the heart of mythology! Choose your protagonist, Julio or June, and embark on a true Odyssey in this choice game full...
Ore no Shita de Agake is a visual novel for PlayStation 2. It is a censored remake of the original Ore no Shita de Agake for PC.
--Around 4:30 pm on June 5, a male student (14) from a private junior high school fell from the roof of the school he was attending. The boy died shortly after the fall at the hosp...
A super short melancholy BL game with the theme of adolescence and juvenile delinquency. A certain prefecture public high school had 2 consecutive murder cases on September 7, 1997...
My only immediate family died. I relied on my uncle and moved to Mokari village, where my father's home was. The words that cross my head are words relentlessly repeated since chil...
The protagonist - Usui Yoshihito works at Shinoda Shinjuku Detective Agency. The agency received a classified assignment from the Shinjuku Central PD. A joint-investigation behind...