Single player takes the form of a Story mode divided into five episodes and fifteen linear levels. The player will face weak minions (which change based on the episode), plus occas...
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe is a Spider-Man video game based on the comic book series and Spider-Man movies. According to the company report, Spider-Man: Friend or Foe is a unique t...
Samurai Shodown V brings back the classic side-scrolling action with a completely new storyline, new characters and new moves. A samurai's quest to prove himself against the Shogun...
Using the Unreal Engine 3 like you've never seen it, Fairytale Fights takes popular characters and tales from the pantheon of well known fairytales and turns them on their heads as...
Based on the successful cartoon 'Beavis and Butt-head', the game is very faithful to the series. It game stars at the home of Beavis and Butt-head - and from there you can choose...
Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em is a pornographic video game for the Atari 2600 by Mystique in 1982. Distribution was handled by American Multiple Industries until distribution changed to Gam...
Zombie Apocalypse is a dual-stick shooter where the player must survive waves of zombies across 55 stages/days. Points are awarded for saving stranded civilians, killing zombies wi...
As Lemmy you must work your way through some of the toughest scrolling levels ever encountered. You swing your bass and fight through the swarm of Motorhaters, swigging whiskey and...
Anything can happen when the most awesome mutants battle to prove who rules the galactic gridiron. 16 vicious teams of aliens, robots, trolls, skeletons and super-humans. Set the D...
The hero of the game is a young jungle-man named Toki. One day the evil wizard Dr. Stark kidnaps his girlfriend Wanda. When Toki tries to save her, he is turned into a monkey! Now...