Jack Move is a unique blend of gritty cyberpunk story telling, turn based battles and beautiful modern pixel art. Take on the role of Noa, a vigilante hacker who is thrust into a w...
Curse of the Moon 2 сочетает в себе классическое 2D-действие и мрачную 8-битную эстетику с современной возможностью воспроизведения. Многостраничная структура предыдущего названия...
Death and resurrection, death and resurrection. There is a world full of grief and sadness, were only end of life is certain. In this world, there is a city where people take annih...
Fates are sealed as paradigms shift and a new era unfolds. What lies beyond the path toward hope? Inti Creates' flagship 2D side-scrolling Azure Striker GUNVOLT series is back wit...