Karakara is a Bishoujo visual novel set in an alternate, dystopian world where the comfortable and quaint life of Leon and Lucia, two hardworking diner owners, takes an interesting...
Alia’s Carnival! Sacrament Plus improved version of Alia’s Carnival! Sacrament for PS Vita from 2015, with the addition of the content released on PC with the fan fisk Flowering Sk...
Heaven Burns Red is the story of a group of girls pinned as the world’s last hope, written by Key’s Jun Maeda. Run around fields and experience a priceless everyday life while figh...
This is the fandisc for Kin'iro Loveriche with after stories for each of the five heroines. There are also new routes for Ayaka and Caminal.
An action RPG where you challenge barriers by making full use of sacred tools Be my sword! has been translated into English. At first, the hero can only attack with a sword. If you...
In March 2017, SquareEnix announced a dark fantasy RPG for mobile devices from the makers of their Million Arthur games. It featured magical girls fighting horrific demonic entitie...