Barbie as The Island Princess follows the storyline of the popular DVD launch in a fun party-style format. You'll play as Rosella the shipwrecked princess who is raised by a family...
A storm comes in and causes the gate at a ranch to open, letting horses and foals run away. Barbie must track down the foals and horses through 3 parts of 3 different settings: the...
Barbie makes her first appearance on the PlayStation with BARBIE RACE AND RIDE. Help Barbie take care of a stable of horses; groom the horses or feed them a variety of foods includ...
Snowboard and In-line skate with Barbie and friends for extreme racing and sports action in Barbie Super Sports. It's two games in one for twice the fun! Both events have a practic...
Barbie Groom & Glam Pups is an all-new, fun and engaging game that lets players choose a pup from one of six adorable breeds, then groom it, train it, and dress it up. Finally, pla...
After Raquelle accidentally switches the helpful house butler Closet to Party Game mode, Barbie and her friends must party and play their way through the Dreamhouse to switch Close...
Fly around the world as Barbie helping her friends with fashion emergencies.
Players will join Barbie and her sisters as they work together to rescue and train lost puppies in Barbie and Her Sisters: Puppy Rescue. The game is set in Barbie’s hometown Willow...
You can play the role of Princess Annika in Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus. The evil wizard Wenlock has cast a spell on the kingdom, and it is up to you to find the Wand of Light...
Barbie and her Magical House is an educational computer game based on Mattel's Barbie toy line. The player is invited to visit Barbie's mansion as he/she uncovers over 300 animated...