From a nobody to a hero, this is your new life in a fantasy realm! After a sudden accident you are thrown into a fantasy world filled with elves, dwarves, and other magical creatu...
Bloodline is an anime-styled mobile role-playing card game with an emphasis on deep character leveling and customization, allowing for a roster of heroes that is distinctly unique...
Life as a high school student is boring. Fortunately, your best friend is there to share the exciting fantasy stories she writes. You always seem to gravitate toward the villains t...
After studying abroad in Italy, you're finally home and eager to meet up with your childhood friend. But while the two of you are talking, someone catches your eye—a beautiful girl...
As you are returning home one day, a moaning voice from the dark disrupts your short cut through the park. As you approach, you see a girl who has fallen over on the grass. You cau...
Learn Japanese for free with KawaiiDungeon! KawaiiDungeon will help you to learn Japanese faster while reading and remembering hiragana, katakana and vocabulary in a fun and intera...
In Anime vs. Evil you will fight the monsters that take over the whole world by mystical polygonal magic. Find the survivors, look for the supplies, beat the story mode and finally...