Donkey Kong Junior is the direct sequel to Donkey Kong. In this game, Mario plays the antagonist, finally having captured Donkey Kong, and has put the ape in a locked cage. As Donk...
Doubutsu no Mori is the name of the first installment in the Animal Crossing series. It was released only in Japan for the Nintendo 64. It was later remade for the GameCube in 2002...
Banjo-Kazooie New Horizons is a fanmade, unofficial Banjo Kazooie romhack by Bynine Studio. Inspired by all the Animal Crossing games, you're tasked with hunting down Jiggies in bu...
Isabelle 64 is a ROM hack/mod of Super Mario 64 starring Isabelle from Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Isabelle has a double jump, which diferentiates her from Mario and makes platformi...
Vs. Ankha is a mod by Akirawave, the mod is based on a popular character from Zone Ankha and from Animal Crossing franchise. The mod has 3 Songs.
CTGP Deluxe is a modification for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe adding in new community made tracks and quality of life changes.
Отправляйтесь на необитаемый остров и создайте свой собственный рай, исследуя, создавая и настраивая игру Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Ваш отдых на острове богат природными ресур...
Dive into the enchanting world of Hidden Cats - Zoo a hidden object game where your mission is to uncover every cat hidden within stunning hand-painted artwork. Let your keen eye a...
Hop off the train and into your new life in the village of Hokko! Take over the old workshop and get creative; use crafted materials and design everything in town! With complete cr...
105 Cats are hiding in this old western town! Can you find them all?