Kamehameha! Prepare to dive into the world of Dragon Ball Z with Earth-shaking combat, a massive character selection, faithful manga-style graphics, and exciting new features in Dr...
X-Men: Next Dimension is a fighting game and the third game in the X-Men: Mutant Academy game series. Next Dimension expands upon the concept of the first two games by adding sever...
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe is a Spider-Man video game based on the comic book series and Spider-Man movies. According to the company report, Spider-Man: Friend or Foe is a unique t...
Shadow Fighter is a computer game for the Commodore Amiga, and Amiga CD32 developed by NA.P.S. team and published by Gremlin Interactive in 1994, and became one of the Amiga's best...
Battle wave after wave of enemies in this stylish side-scrolling run n' gun action game for one to four players Fight your way through 13 diverse locations on your own or with u...
Bleach: Dark Souls на Nintendo DS предлагает эксклюзивную сюжетную линию, расширенный состав игровых персонажей и быстрые многопользовательские боевые действия для четырех игроков...