Killer Instinct 2 follows on from the plot line that the previous installment ended with. Eyedol's death at the hands of Orchid accidentally sets off a time warp, transporting some...
Baby Bowser has taken the Super Happy Tree and cast a spell on Yoshi's world, turning it into the pages of a picture book. The only Yoshis not affected by the spell were six hatchl...
A revolution in combat games - featuring a unique combat intelligence system that adapts to and learns your style of play! The first game with film-quality, controllable 3D graphic...
MAX VOLTAGE is Konami's answer to the wrestling challenge. In this game, realism comes first, and the action feels as if it's happening right in front of you. In MAX VOLTAGE, train...
Separation Anxiety is a side scrolling beat'em up game, featuring characters and stories taken from the Spiderman comics. The story is loosely based on a mini series of comics abou...
Испытайте рождение ужаса, охватившего остров Торменте, в серии приключенческих игр Twisted Lands о поиске предметов! Возьмите на себя роль одаренного детектива, который всегда дове...