The game begins as an unnamed Hero, the last member of the Kusagari Clan, is being dragged across the desert, tied to the back of a motorcycle. He manages to break free, but Payne,...
A boxing fitness game released by Konami for the arcades in 2001. It is a motion-controlled boxing game, like the boxing mini-game in Wii Sports. Mocap Boxing also calculated calor...
Played with a plastic, motion-sensitive Katana Controller, this first-person hack & slash game put players into the role of a Samurai, with zombie enemies to slash in every directi...
An arcade light-gun shooter with a camera to detect player movement, allowing the player to use body movement to hide behind cover and dodge the (slow-moving) bullets. It was the f...
Небесный меч - шестнадцатая запись в серии Легенда о Зельде. В игре используется периферийное устройство Wii MotionPlus для боя на мечах, а для прицеливания используется пересмотре...
Отправьтесь в путешествие на тропический остров, где вас ждет множество веселых развлечений. В Wii Sports Resort, продолжении захватывающей игры Wii Sports, вы откроете для себя мн...