7.5 X-COM: Apocalypse (1997)
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X-COM: Apocalypse (1997)

Ваша миссия, как командира X-COM, состоит в том, чтобы бороться с инопланетной агрессией и раскрыть их смертоносные намерения. Но будьте осторожны! Проникновение инопланетян в город и его политику может привести к тому, что вы окажетесь под огнем криминальных банд, религиозных сект и даже полиции! Инопланетные флоты заполняют небеса, существа терроризируют город, царит хаос... Добро пожаловать на войну, добро пожаловать в Апокалипсис.


Half a century after the end of the second X-COM campaign, the last battle of T'leth has severely damaged Earth's biosphere. As a result, several self-contained Megalopolis-type cities were proposed to provide habitation for humanity. The game follows Mega-Primus, the first of these cities, built over the ruins of Toronto, Canada. Meanwhile, the off-world colony of Mars is exploited by the Elerium mining corporation, Solmine, and oppressed by MarSec (MARs SECurity).

The alien threat in the game is presented by a new race of organic, extradimensional aliens that initially seem to have no relation to the aliens of the previous two games, though later missions set in the aliens' home dimension reveal they have enslaved Sectoid survivors. These new aliens attack the city through tetrahedron-shaped teleport gates. The player must find out how to send their own aircraft, along with X-COM agents, through these gates without being destroyed and take the war to the aliens. Apocalyp... развернуть

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Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 30.06.1997
DOS 30.06.1997


Steam ID:
Серии игр:



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