World War II Combat: Road to Berlin (2006)
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World War II Combat: Road to Berlin (2006)

Дата выхода: 24 января 2006
Жанры Шутер, От 1-го лица, Мультиплеер, Сплит Скрин, Экшен
Платформы PC, XBOX

World War II Combat: Road to Berlin, also known as Battlestrike: Secret Weapons, is a budget-priced first-person shooter, developed by Direct Action Games and published by Groove Games. Despite its low-budget price, it has been panned by users and reviewers as having shoddy control, and a rushed, unfinished feel. The game was followed by World War II Combat: Iwo Jima.

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Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 17.03.2008
Xbox 24.01.2006



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