8.0 World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic (2021)
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DLC World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic (2021)

WoW TBCC / TBCC / World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic / World of Warcraft Classic: The Burning Crusade / WoW Classic: TBC
Дата выхода: 01 июня 2021
Жанры РПГ, Фэнтези, От 3-го лица, ММО
Платформы PC

Journey through the Dark Portal once again in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic! Originally released in January 2007, The Burning Crusade summoned the heroes of Azeroth to the shattered and fel-scarred realm of Outland to stop an invasion of the demonic Burning Legion.


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Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 01.06.2021



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