In the mystical world of Catena, 10 powerful factions vie for dominance after the arrival of the comet Satonako, which unleashed untold magical energy across the land. This cosmic event reshaped the world, granting extraordinary abilities to those who dared to wield its power. But magic is a double-edged sword—while it has elevated civilizations, it has also ignited a battle for control over Catena’s destiny.
At the heart of this struggle is Drath, a warlord consumed by the comet’s dark energy, seeking to impose his vision of order through domination. Opposing him are champions like Centurio, the noble strategist of the Light Faction, and ViBu, a visionary alchemist who believes magic must serve all, not the few.
As factions clash for control of magical relics, territories, and influence, the fate of Catena hangs in the balance. Will you align with the disciplined protectors of light, the chaotic forces of darkness, or another faction with their own ambitions?...