Twilight School: The Forbidden Experiment (2024)
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Twilight School: The Forbidden Experiment (2024)

Дата выхода: 30 ноября 2024
Жанры Фэнтези, Новелла, Драма, Романтика
Платформы Android, iOS

Three mysterious substitute teachers -Keith, Hayden and Colin- arrive at your academy. But there's more to them than meets the eye-they're all vampires! One day, you uncover their biggest secret yet: the academy is secretly cultivating a rare ingredient essential for a potion Keith is creating that turns vampires into humans. Caught between these revelations and your growing connection to the vampires, what path will you choose?


At your school, three substitute teachers arrive. Their names: Keith, Hayden, and Colin. All three are vampires employed by Keith’s company.
Despite being vampires, the fact that they can function seamlessly in human society garners significant attention from the academy. During his self-introduction, Keith reveals that he has developed a potion capable of turning vampires into humans.

This statement provokes a strong reaction from Hogan, a vampire who takes great pride in his species. While he desires coexistence with humans, he cannot accept the idea of becoming one. In contrast, Wade and Rylan, fascinated by the human world, show an interest in Keith’s ideas.

Meanwhile, the protagonist stumbles upon Keith and the others holding a clandestine meeting. There, they discover a startling truth: the academy holds a key ingredient for the potion, a material that is secretly being cultivated within its grounds.

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Даты выхода

Android 30.11.2024
iOS 30.11.2024




Spanish (Spain)
Spanish (Mexico)
Portuguese (Brazil)

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