Twerk Hero (2020)
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Twerk Hero (2020)

Дата выхода: 09 октября 2020
Жанры От 3-го лица, Музыка, Аркада, Комедия
Платформы Android, iOS

The year is 2021... The year, the age, the time of Twerk! Are you worthy to shake that booty? Twerk Hero takes you on an epic adventure through breath-taking locations such as your home, or an underground garage! Each time you must prove that you have the rhythm and the finger to create the most mind-blowing dance moves, shattering your phone screen and possibly the screens of those around you!

Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

Android 09.10.2020
iOS 09.10.2020



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