Shadow Hearts is the first official game in the Shadow Hearts series and is the sequel to Koudelka. Shadow Hearts follows the adventures of Yuri Hyuga, a Harmonixer guided by a mys...
UnReal World is a unique combination of roguelike roleplaying game and survival simulation set in the Far North long, long ago. Throughout the years, UnReal World has been praised...
A Spike and Chunsoft produced continuation to the long running Shiren the Wanderer series, which was launched exclusively on the PlayStation Portable in Japan
A turn-based tactical story-driven card game set in a fantasy world of Ash of Gods. Two decks, three lines, six factions and a great deal of possibilities to create your own unique...
Multiplayer competitive dungeon crawler played primarily over the AppleTalk protocol.
Only Japanese servers on PC and PS4 are still open to play. PS3 version offered trophy support, but PS4 version does not.
A tactical RPG that fuses Japan's oldest historical record book, Kojiki, and an ancient figure who everyone knows, Shaka, into a single adventure. It illustrates the lives of hero...
Set in the 1600s, Fire and the Sword brings the medieval Mount and Blade games into an era of new technology and conflicts, while retaining its open world RPG gameplay.
The game has three races to choose from: Humans, Elves, and Greenskins. Each race has its own characteristics and units just as is found in most RTS games. However, that's just...
Explore a thrilling wide world full of adventure and danger. Gather materials, craft your weapons, improve your skills and conquer your enemies with a non-target realtime classless...
Dungeon Rushers is a Heroic-Parody tactical RPG combining dungeon crawler’s gameplay and turn-based fights. Manage your team, loot dusty dungeons, crush armies of monsters and craf...
Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire is a tactical turn-based RPG, set on a world fallen into a medieval dark age after the collapse of a spacefaring civilization. You must guide T...
Driftmoon - это нисходящая фэнтезийная RPG с простой механикой и историей, наполненной диалогами.
Rebel forces are attempting to steal ragnite from the Doerfein Mines. Capture the enemy camps marked in areas 1, 2 and 3 to drive them back. We have heard that the enemy is equip...
Фильм Пенни Аркады “На скользкой от дождя пропасти тьмы 4” завершает сагу о Тихо Браге, наследнике проекта Long Project, и его почти наверняка человеческом партнере Джонатане Гэбри...
Pokémon Bushido is a Pokémon fan game. It is not a ROM hack, but rather a game for PC made in RPG Maker XP, using Pokemon Essentials. The story of Pokémon Bushido revolves around...
Uncover the darkest secrets of the King's agent, the Comte de Cagliostro, and seek out the revolutionary Jacques Pierre Brissot.
Seven heroes from seven different Worlds. Seven heroes who were brought to a mysterious temple on a remote island and transformed into statues. Seven heroes who are chosen to bring...
40 years after his wrongful framing and execution, the Han general Dou Xian returns to China as a demonic dragon, unleashing his army upon the empire. The fate of defending China a...
An assault exercise versus a rival class. Run through stonewalling defence and take over the camp! In order to replicate a real battle as closely as possible, Class F has been gran...
Confront the superior strength of the enemy and regain the honor after you, the glorious vampire hunter, have been transformed into a vampire. It launches devastating attacks combi...
Live A Live's story is split across seven seemingly unrelated chapters that can be played in any order, based on popular genres such as Western, science fiction, and mecha. Each ch...
Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers unfolds during the chaotic end days of the Han dynasty, when ancient China was overwhelmed by uprisings and internal strife within its imperial court....
This fully text-based roleplaying game takes place in the realistic-fantasy world of Iridine, The Eternal City inspired by Roman history. TEC is wholly immersive and well-worth the...
Our story begins in the capital, where Shiren the Wanderer and his sidekick Koppa encounter an old friend. Known as Sensei he is both Shiren's uncle and his master, having taught h...
Salem is a fully open sandbox MMO with deep crafting elements. The game features permadeath as one of its main ingredients, along with an in-depth character development system with...
The Age of Chaos is upon the Chaltar world! The source of this chaos is rumored to be at the heart of an ancient tower. Join Sadler, Rumi, Kindi, and Fakhyle as they begin a new qu...