Tower of God: Great Journey (2022)
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Tower of God: Great Journey (2022)

Дата выхода: 20 апреля 2022
Жанры РПГ, Приключения
Платформы Android, iOS

You can build your own team with your favorite characters from the original webtoons. Collect attractive Characters each with their own stories, and Ignition Weapons fully packed with stunning action skills! You will go into the story as the main character, Bam or Viole. Also, by clearing missions in Revolution Road, you can get massive rewards, such as transcending materials, Ignition Weapons, and other various valuable items. Strengthen your team more easily! The game provides gear-sharing,... развернуть


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Даты выхода

Android 20.04.2022
iOS 20.04.2022



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