Toro and Friends: Onsen Town (2019)
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Toro and Friends: Onsen Town (2019)

Дата выхода: 01 октября 2019
Жанры Детские, Вид сбоку, Головоломка / Квест, Вид сверху
Платформы Android, iOS

Toro and Friends: Onsen Town is a Match-3 Puzzle mobile game Developed by BeXide and published by Forward Works for Android and iOS. It was first released in 2019 in Japan for the Doko Demo Issyo series 20th anniversary, then later released worldwide in English, Chinese, and Korean in 2020 which was published by PiG Corporation. The game's service ran until 2021. After the closure of the Japanese servers, an offline mode was added to the game and all story episodes were made available.


One day, you receive a ticket for the famous "Amatsu-Sora Onsen Bus Tour". A mountain town by the sea blanketed in nature and bursting with delicious fruit. However, when you get there, you see the once glorious Onsen Town is no longer a lively place. The brightness and colour had all but gone. Shortly after, you run into Toro, the white cat still yearning to be a human and his new friend Sora, the cute feline face of Amatsu-Sora. Together, they ask you to help restore beauty and the happiness that once danced around streets and alleys


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

iOS 09.07.2020
Android 01.10.2019


Серии игр:

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