7.1 Tony Hawk's Project 8 (2006)
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Tony Hawk's Project 8 (2006)

Дата выхода: 07 ноября 2006
Жанры Спорт, Гонки, От 3-го лица, Сплит Скрин, Экшен
Платформы PS2, PS3, XBOX, X360, PSP

Tony Hawk's Project 8, officially abbreviated as THP8, is a skateboarding video game, the eighth installment in the Tony Hawk's series. It was released on PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, Xbox and Xbox 360. The game begins in the custom skater's hometown in surburbia. After breaking out into the main streets, a team is created by Tony Hawk. The team is called Project 8 and comprises eight skaters. The player character starts ranked 200th and by completing challenges and goals, it will improve... развернуть


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Даты выхода

PlayStation 3 23.03.2007
PlayStation 2 07.11.2006
Xbox 07.11.2006
Xbox 360 07.11.2006
PlayStation Portable 07.11.2006


Серии игр:

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