Time For Tom (2022)
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Time For Tom (2022)

Дата выхода: 04 июня 2022
Жанры РПГ, Симулятор, ТБС, Тактика, Комедия, Нон-фикшн, Вид сверху
Платформы NES

Time For Tom is apparently the world’s first complete Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light hack! This is a 18-chapter new story featuring a great number of improvements to bring the oldest backwards FE game up-to-date. The Akaneian archer Thomas, and his buddy Jake, find a forgotten Time Orb which they plan to use to prevent the War of Darkness and stop Hardin from receiving the Dark Orb. Unfortunately, they have no idea how to use it! So, they travel through some other games in t... развернуть

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Nintendo Entertainment System 04.06.2022



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