The Worm Room (2016)
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The Worm Room (2016)

Дата выхода: 14 июля 2016
Жанры Открытый мир, От 1-го лица, Симулятор, Инди
Платформы Linux, PC, Mac, Android, iOS

The Word Room is a first-person exploration game and digital interactive artwork, which exists as a series of endless glass greenhouses that the player may wander through. As each room is entered, it is also created; because the world is endless, no rooms ever repeat. However, it is still a space confined by the bounds of its edges, as one may never exit. Walking forward (from prairie to swamp, fern room to seasonal flowers), the world unfolds linearly, along a garden path, at whatever pace one... развернуть

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Даты выхода

Linux 07.12.2016
PC (Microsoft Windows) 07.12.2016
Mac 07.12.2016
Android 14.07.2016
iOS 14.07.2016



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