The game takes place in Silentia, a dream fantasy world, that is the home of a young, sad circus clown named Sadwick. The story starts as he wakes up in his travelling circus trailer after having experienced a recurring nightmare, where he sees the world falling apart.
Sadwick goes for a walk in a nearby forest and meets Bobby, a Chaski, messenger of the King. Bobby is heading to Corona, the royal castle, to deliver a powerful artefact, the Whispering Stone, to the king. He claims the end of the world is near and the land is already breaking apart and that the Asgil, a hideous horde of underground creatures, are surrounding Corona. He tells Sadwick that he has been unsuccessfully seeking out an oracle named Shana for advice on shortening his trip, and he asks Sadwick to help him find her. Sadwick believes that maybe she can interpret his nightmares, and he convinces Bobby to give him the Whispering Stone to help him find the oracle. Shortly after Bobby gets scared away and...