The Terminator Remake (1993)
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The Terminator Remake (1993)

Дата выхода: 08 марта 1993
Жанры Вид сбоку, Шутер, Научная фантастика
Платформы segacd

Similar to adaptations of The Terminator on other systems, the Sega CD game is a platformer where the player controls Kyle Reese, who travels back in time from the year 2029 to protect Sarah Connor from the unstoppable killing machine known as the Terminator. The game consists of 10 levels. Future locations include the post-apocalyptic wasteland of 2029 Los Angeles and the time displacement complex. In the present of 1984, Reese must traverse the streets and rooftops of L.A., as well as the Tec... развернуть


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Даты выхода

Sega CD 01.12.1993


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