В Выражении Амрилато главный герой теряется в альтернативном мире, где джулиамо (который в реальном мире является эсперанто, существующим сконструированным языком.) является официа...
Изучайте японские иероглифы в этой интерактивной ролевой игре! Опыт не требуется – начните читать и писать по-японски!
Distant Memoraĵo is a sequel to The Expression Amrilato This is the story, pure and sometimes frustrating, of two girls intertwined through their fumbling efforts to communicate....
Cosmology of Kyoto is a visual novel adventure game developed by Softedge and published by Yano Electric. It was released for Japan in 1993, and then in North America, for the Maci...
But You Seem Fine is a visual novel based on one of the developer’s struggles with invisible illness. Step into the shoes of 14-year-old Rae Kim, who becomes sick with a mysterious...
Изучите основы японского языка в этой интерактивной ролевой игре! Опыт не требуется – начните читать и писать по-японски!
Japanese-developed visual novel / point-and-click adventure game, released in 1991. The title and imagery is inspired by Alice in Wonderland. Designed and directed by Haruhiko Shon...
A new standalone expansion of Go! Go! Nippon! that includes 50% more content, including new sightseeing locations and love interest events. New shitamachi locations and historical...
The horrors of World War II are over, but peace never came to the Czech village of Svoboda. You were sent to investigate a decades-old feud. Who can you trust to explain what happe...
Короткое приключение с предвзятостью к СМИ, в котором вы контролируете национальные новости и их влияние на вашу карьеру, общество и семью. Контролируйте новости, контролируйте Пра...
Заводить подружку перед Гаокао (вступительным экзаменом в Национальный колледж), я знаю, это безумие, но с сегодняшнего дня мы будем сталкиваться со всем вместе. Есть ли еще место...
Get a taste of the foreign travel offered by printed guidebooks. Enjoy a tour around Japan from the comfort of your own home! As the game's protagonist, you'll travel to famous Ja...
A visual novel about figuring out life with the help of an AI. //TODO: today is a pastel colored slice-of-life story that let's you freely choose your pronouns and romantic prefere...
Attentat 1942 рассказывает историю нацистской оккупации с точки зрения тех, кто пережил ее на собственном опыте. Игра построена на диалогах, интерактивных комиксах и аутентичных ка...
A spacey classic adventure for all! Dexter Stardust: Adventures in Outer Space is a classic point and click adventure; you can walk, talk, and interact with everything in your surr...
A standalone expansion of Go! Go! Nippon! that nearly doubles the content of the original game––adding new locations like Tokyo Skytree, Odaiba, Comiket, and more! The expansion re...
‘iPhone goth gf's iPhone’ высылает вам по воздуху - принять или отклонить? Романтическая история ужасов о жизни, смерти и мемах. Изменение перспективы может изменить все.
You do not know what Zorpon is. You must discover Zorpon. Truly Understanding Zorpon shall surely put you on the road of enlightenment.
The Ryuo’s Work is Never Done!consists of adventure, shogi, and quiz parts. During adventure parts, players will be able to enjoy the story of the anime in addition to original sce...
What Comes After is a side-scrolling adventure and a short heartwarming story about learning how to love yourself. Help Vivi in her journey on the train to the afterlife and back....
A video game using design and cast from the TV series.
Stellaluna is a Living Book adaptation based on Jannell Cannon’s original picture book. The story is about a bat named Stellaluna, who lost her mother due to an owl crashing into h...
Year 2020. A mysterious disease has broken out. The disease is suspected to be a mutation of tuberculosis, which had been eliminated years ago. With the power to see peoples' int...
A short and contemplative promenade inspired by Ursula K. Le Guin's Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction