The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair (2025)
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The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair (2025)

Дата выхода: 2025
Жанры Приключения, Фэнтези, Экшен, Вид сверху
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For ages, there has always been a protector that served the land, seeing to it that evil forces would never overrun the land. With each century came a new hero, and with a new hero came the duty to pass down the sacred clothing to him. The legendary green tunic and hat, the iconic clothing piece of the heroes, was forged from the Threads of Despair. The Threads of Despair are more than just simple threads, as it grants the hero wearing it the ability to overcome any obstacle with more ease than the average person. However, with anything great, there must be something terrible. If evil forces were to wear a piece of clothing made from the Threads of Despair, their sinister powers would heighten, leading to total control of the world. These threads, the Threads of Despair, have been stolen from the Temple of Light, and must be retrieved before any evil ones have a chance to utilize their powers.

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