8.4 The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (2004)
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The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (2004)

Дата выхода: 04 ноября 2004
Жанры РПГ, Приключения, Фэнтези, Экшен, Вид сверху
Платформы GBA, 3DS, WiiU

Когда колдун Ваати превращает принцессу Зельду в камень, король Хайрула отправляет Линка на поиски, чтобы освободить Зельду от ее проклятия. С помощью Эзло, миниша, также проклятого Ваати, Линк должен путешествовать по фантастическому миру, изобилующему новыми предметами, головоломками и боссами. Как Линк, вы можете уменьшаться, чтобы сражаться с крупными врагами изнутри, находить или разблокировать секретные предметы и решать головоломки, объединяя магические реликвии.


While at a festival with Princess Zelda, Link encounters a mysterious mage called Vaati who turns the princess to stone. Helpless to stop them, Link is asked by the king to meet with a race of tiny people known as the Minish, who may be able to help with their predicament. On his travels, Link teams up with a talking cap called Ezlo, who is able to shrink Link to the size of a Minish so that he can meet with them. With his newfound abilities, Link must save the kingdom from Vaati's menace.


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Даты выхода

Wii U 29.05.2014
Nintendo 3DS 16.12.2011
Game Boy Advance 10.01.2005




Spanish (Spain)
Spanish (Spain)
призраки магия sword health mascot prequel смерть fire egg maze mummy gambling shadow головоломки bridge action-adventure вода button witch fairy bird backtracking time limit нежить traps campaign princess rock dungeon crawling пиксель арт (pixel art) инвентарь boomerang dog телепортация love mushroom silent protagonist climbing плавание цветы arrow glitch sword & sorcery shovel spear fruit possession switch darkness битвы с боссами trainer explosion digital distribution single-player only anthropomorphism countdown timer world map based on - comics cat language selection shopping bow damsel in distress upgradeable weapons breaking the fourth wall pop culture reference transforming boss game reference collectibles virtual console disorientation zone descendants of other characters young protagonist ice stage treasure chest unstable platforms saving the world side quests royalty potion melee grapple real-time combat secret area unbeatable enemy shielded enemies shaky cam multi-phase boss nonexistent light source coming of age falling sequence bread moving platforms theft punctuation mark above head sequence breaking villain been here before sleeping clone vore multiple enemy boss fight boss assistance unskippable cutscene fetch quests recurring character gliding flashback poison resized enemy drawbridge fast travel living inventory falling object restoration status effects behind the waterfall foreshadowing orphan sneaking mission plane shifting selective invincibility conga line party damage over time monomyth played for charity e3 2004 nintendo 3ds ambassador program male protagonist fan translation - brazilian portuguese nintendo switch online - expansion pack fan translation - portuguese

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