9.1 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)

TLoZ: OoT / OoT / Zelda 64
Дата выхода: 21 ноября 1998
Жанры РПГ, Приключения, Фэнтези, От 3-го лица, Экшен
Платформы N64, Wii, GameCube, WiiU, Nintendo 64DD

3D-переосмысление основной предпосылки Легенды о Зельде: Связь с прошлым (1991), Окарина времени следует за Линком, главным героем, когда он берет меч и оставляет свое скромное происхождение, чтобы отправиться в поход по земле Хайрул, рисковать в ее коварных подземельях и путешествовать сквозь само время, чтобы исполнить свое предназначение Героя Времени, победив своего врага Ганондорфа и избавив Хайрула от зла.


A young boy named Link was raised in the village of the elf-like Kokiri people. One day a fairy named Navi introduces him to the village's guardian, the Great Deku Tree. It appears that a mysterious man has cursed the tree, and Link is sent to the Hyrule Castle to find out more. Princess Zelda tells Link that Ganondorf, the leader of the Gerudo tribe, seeks to obtain the Triforce, a holy relic that grants immense power to the one who possesses it. Link must do everything in his power to obtain the Triforce before Ganondorf does, and save Hyrule.


Даты выхода

Wii U 03.07.2015
Wii 23.02.2007
Nintendo GameCube 07.11.2003
Nintendo 64 31.12.1998


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Chinese (Simplified)
песочница стелс гравитация путешествия во времени sword minigames dragons halo prequel смерть elves fire лошадь slingshot archery chicken horse racing time manipulation romance shadow remake compilation action-adventure вода religion fairy parallel worlds backtracking apocalypse нежить campaign princess open-world dungeon crawling boomerang dog sequel mushroom silent protagonist плавание arrow weather day/night cycle sword & sorcery islam heroes owl horse riding битвы с боссами easy block puzzle single-player only countdown timer world map polygonal 3d bow damsel in distress game reference cameo appearance collectibles emulation disorientation zone descendants of other characters sprinting mechanics young protagonist ice stage falling damage character growth side quests auto-aim grapple real-time combat underwater gameplay a.i. companion walking through walls quicksaving mercenary coming of age sequence breaking english accent villain been here before water level invisible wall controversy plot twist boss assistance alternate reality teenager mirror mode androgyny animal cruelty cross-dressing women in refrigerators age progression resized enemy trail of death drawbridge time paradox fast travel censored version context sensitive living inventory detective mode acrobatics contextual controller rumble timeskip strafe-jumping tragic hero retroactive achievements horse archery tiered exploration ye olde english damage over time british academy video game awards played for charity fake interactivity color cartridges male protagonist retroachievements wii virtual console wii u virtual console fan translation - portuguese fan translation - latin nintendo switch online - expansion pack nintendo gateway system nintendo 64 exclusive

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