The Legend of Zelda: Chaos Rising (2014)
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The Legend of Zelda: Chaos Rising (2014)

Дата выхода: 01 февраля 2014
Жанры Приключения, Фэнтези, Экшен, Вид сверху
Платформы PC


This game does not start where one of the existing games end, it takes place a great time after any known time of Hyrule. Its story is like none before. Its not about good and evil, not about who will rule. This time you have to save existance itself.

Ages ago the Triforce weakened from granting all contradictive wishes, a golden world, a dark world, to rule over all, to rule for all. This weakened the triforces main function.
A function unkown to the Hylians and other races. The Triforce was not only there to grant the wishes of those that touched it or to councel them in difficult times.
It had to protect the creation of the goddesses from that what had been before, the Chaos inside.

It twisted the lands and the minds of great man. War came not only to Hyrule but also to other regions. At the end of this war a hero emerged, but this time he did not fight alone. Together with seven powerful warriors they managed to banish the Chaos Forces back to... развернуть


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PC (Microsoft Windows) 01.02.2014





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