The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki Kai Remaster (2020)
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The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki Kai Remaster (2020)

Дата выхода: 28 мая 2020
Жанры РПГ
Платформы PC, PS4, Switch

To commemorate the 10th anniversaries of Trails series' Crossbell Arc, The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki and The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki released in 2010 and 2011 have been remastered in high-definition with Full Voice Main Story, High-Speed Skip Mode, 60 FPS Support / High Image & Sound Quality, and Various UI Adjustments.


Lloyd and Elie introduce Noel and Wazy to the SSS's way of working. After waving goodbye to KeA, who was playing with friends at Central Square, the SSS moves to the Crossbell Police Department for their request to confirm whether Lechter Arundel is indeed in Crossbell and reveal who he really is. Grace, whom they bump into in the Back Street, claims she last saw Lechter in the Dragon's Old Restaurant. Rather than keep himself concealed, Lechter welcomed the SSS and introduced them to the chef of the restaurant. During the chef's talk, Lechter had disappeared. The SSS ultimately found him in the casino. They managed to verify details of his stay before their talk was interrupted by Shirley Orlando, member of the Red Constellation jaeger corps. She bit in Lloyd's earlobe and subjected Elie to sexual harassment, only to disappear without a trace alongside Lechter.


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Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 12.01.2022
Nintendo Switch 22.04.2021
PlayStation 4 25.06.2020




Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese (Traditional)

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