7.7 The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle (1999)
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The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle (1999)

Дата выхода: 22 июля 1999
Жанры Файтинг / Драки
Платформы Wii, PS1, Arcade, neogeomvs, neogeoaes, Switch, Neo Geo CD

Two years have passed since the last King of Fighters tournament and nobody has seen Kyo Kusanagi or Iori Yagami since they defeated Orochi at the climax of the 1997 tournament, but out of the blue, new invitations are sent out to many characters, inviting them to a brand new tournament, though this competition is more of a secretive affair than the ones in '96 and '97. Unlike in previous games of the series, there are four characters per team instead of three, with the fourth serving as a Strik... развернуть

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Даты выхода

Nintendo Switch 25.05.2017
Wii 04.07.2013
PlayStation 22.04.2001
Neo Geo CD 02.12.1999
Neo Geo AES 23.09.1999
Arcade 22.07.1999
Neo Geo MVS 22.07.1999


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