Gamers waited many years for another installment of the Shinobi series. Now they finally get what they have wanted. Shinobi takes place in Tokyo, where a mysterious evil force has...
Kamen Rider: Battride War Genesis is an upcoming Japanese action game based on the long-running Kamen Rider tokusatsu superhero television series. The game is described as a dramat...
Embark on an epic odyssey to save your sister and the whole of humankind from dimensional invaders in a stylish single player action-adventure RPG. Chain lightning-fast combos, le...
The 20th Anniversary Box includes: - The Game - 94 Character Cards, stand included - Original Soundtrack (2 CDs) - Special 20th anniversary selection artbook of the 94 characters
One True Hero is an epic 3D platforming adventure featuring a young hero who can barely save himself! Explore ancient ruins, defeat an army of evil minions and unravel the mystery...
Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires is a strategy-oriented variant of Dynasty Warriors 4, mixing it with gameplay similar to Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The heart of the game, campaign...
The sparks of destiny ignite in this rich depiction of the Warring States period that features a total of 55 different officers. The deluxe edition contains more than 150 previousl...
A typical evening at a local bar erupts into chaos as members of a Special Forces strike team descend through the roof to kidnap a young girl, Dominique. Three bouncers--Sion, Volt...
Buffy and the crew are back for another battle against evil. On this occasion (set as a 'missing episode' from the TV series' fifth season), the powerful vampire Kakistos and The F...
Raise the dead as a fearsome Necromancer in the dark world of The Unliving! Lead your undead armies into the endless fight in this rogue-lite action RPG game. Burn cities to ash wi...
Blightbound is a multiplayer dungeon crawler that tasks three heroes to venture down from their mountain refuge to face the abominations of the Blight - a mysterious and corrupting...
A creeping winter is slowly taking over everything it touches, and the source of its chilling power is a powerful creature known as the Wretched Wraith. To stop the never-ending wi...
Liberté is a deck-builder roguelite inspired by the French Revolution and body horror. Brave the war-torn streets as Rene - a regular Parisian entangled in a civil war caused by a...
Gladiator Begins is developed by GOSHOW for the PSP and is a prequel to Colosseum: Road to Freedom. Create a gladiator and fight for your life in the Roman Colosseum.
История гладиатора - это битва на арене, где вы играете роль человека в поисках своей судьбы, только чтобы найти ее в песках Колизея.
Компания, разрабатывающая эту игру, закрылась. Хотя в игру по-прежнему можно играть против ботов, она не будет получать никаких дальнейших обновлений или поддержки. Действие проис...
Meet Sir Whoopass, the hero who due to a series of hilarious and poor life choices manages to bring chaos and disarray to an utopian world. He must find The Villain-Beating Artifac...
Heart&Slash - это 3D-драчун, действие которого разворачивается в мире, где машины - это все, что осталось от человеческой цивилизации. Вы играете за Сердце, невинного робота, борющ...
Испытайте оригинальный SENRAN KAGURA Burst, начало самой любимой в мире серии buxom battle, как никогда раньше! Сразитесь с классическим ниндзя-драчуном с совершенно новой точки зр...
The war between Demons and Angels takes you to hell and back in this third-person action game. You are Desmond, the one man with demonic powers who can decide the fate of our world...
Void -Dementia- is a rogue-like action game that takes place in a void zone. The game features stylish fast action and hardcore production and difficulty. It is an action game that...
From a seedy underworld to the spiritual plane, join Kung Fu Jesus on a psychedelic genre-busting action-adventure like no other! Enter a madcap world of organised crime, alternate...
A companion game to Phantasy Star Online 2. Phantasy Star Online 2 es is a Free-to-Play Single Player experience which allows players to use and sync their data with their Phantasy...
Presenting I.R.I.S.: Two-time Valedictorian of the illustrious Big Arms Academy's School of Assassination. Proficient in over forty forms of unarmed combat, earning Sensei status i...
Batman: Dark Tomorrow is an action-adventure video game developed by HotGen and published by Kemco for the Nintendo GameCube and Microsoft Xbox consoles. The Xbox version is not co...
Zombie Zone is the European localized name for the first game in the OneeChanbara series. It's a part of the Simple 2000 series by Japanese publisher D3 Publisher, as part of a ser...
Going Under - это сатирический поисковик подземелий об исследовании проклятых руин несостоявшихся технологических стартапов. Будучи неоплачиваемым стажером в мрачном городе Неокаск...