The world of Phantasy Star Online 2 es takes place during the same time period as its sister title. Dr. Cohen, a famous researcher that was known for developing the breakthrough chip system, mysteriously disappeared one day during a research mission while accompanied by his body guard, Donovan, who has also gone missing. Four years later, ARKS headquarters grants Management Officer Seraphy permission to head a confidential search and rescue mission in order to retrieve the man at any cost. In her efforts of finding Dr. Cohen alive, she recruits the player character to search for any leads regarding his whereabouts while scouring several landscapes and different planets. She reveals to the player that she accepted her mission for both professional reasons and because the doctor is also her father.
Along the way, several message pods are found left behind by Dr. Cohen. Some of them offer incriminating evidence that the doctor may have allowed darkers to invade residential ar...