The Elder Scrolls Online: Dragonhold (2019)
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DLC The Elder Scrolls Online: Dragonhold (2019)

ESO: Dragonhold / TESO: Dragonhold
Дата выхода: 21 октября 2019
Жанры РПГ, Фэнтези, От 3-го лица, От 1-го лица, ММО
Платформы PC, Mac, PS4, XONE

The rage of Dragons has brought its fire and fury to the ruined region of Southern Elsweyr, and the people of this once-great kingdom fight to survive. The monstrous Dragon Kaalgrontiid, bolstered with all-new allies, returns more powerful than ever. In Dragonhold, you must stand with Sai Sahan, restore the Dragonguard, and together, finally put an end the Season of the Dragon year-long adventure!


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Даты выхода

PlayStation 4 05.11.2019
Xbox One 05.11.2019
PC (Microsoft Windows) 21.10.2019
Mac 21.10.2019


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